Readers Write: PC police running amok at ESPN, in New York

The Island Now

Political Correctness is once again running  amok when ESPN dismissed one of its sportscasters because his name is Robert Lee.

In another PC-driven outrageous act, Marxist mayor of New York City, Bill de Blasio, is forming a panel to remove all  sculptures and artifacts not only connected with the Civil War but others which may be ‘symbols of hate.’

In this potential list is none other than the statue of — are you ready for this one? — Christopher Columbus which adorns Columbus Circle in Manhattan! Want more?

Social media went on a war path against, of all people, the American Civil Liberties Union in protest of an ACLU ad portraying a young blond haired boy, holding a small American flag, the caption reading ‘this is the future of America’ (words to that effect).

These misguided, warp minded “protesters” accused the ACLU of promoting white supremacy, using a ‘baby Nazi’.

If you haven’t had enough, don’t fret because the PC police will continue promoting its outrageous agenda, giving creed to the fact that the insane are running the asylum!”

Stanley L. Ronell

Port Washington

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