The Tlingit Basket

The Island Now

I was searching for something
But found a basket full of sunshine
And brought it home instead.

We’ve carried the scars of wounds long enough,
Let’s walk in the forest,
Let’s walk along the shore,
Let’s travel the city streets streaming
Our light evenly in all directions—let it all out
To regain the blue and restore the familiar seasons.
We carry it rightly to banish winter.

How brightly we go, nothing dimmed or flickering.
Step by step looking forward, dignified and consequential.
Say you can count on a better world
And carry the light drawn from the sun
Slicing through the dark,
It matters and changes everything.

Stephen Cipot, wishing everyone the very best 2021
Garden City Park
Inspired by the works of Preston Singletary, NW Coast Tlingit artist

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