Readers Write: Trump victory, people’s loss

The Island Now

As we saw in these Nassau County elections, how the forces of special interests ganged up to get their way: To heck with the will of the people. 
They exhibit no bounds in ignoring what is right, moral and ethical. 
As is now in the news, Trump has offered $25 million to settle the claims against his so-called university. 
Of course there is still a long way yet to go until this money is actually in the hands of the injured. You know what I mean.
Note that Trump made no effort to defend his honor as would be expected of one who is innocent. 
By his action, he has convicted himself of having committed a crime, which is to say that he is a criminal. 
Perhaps he considers that better considering how he is constituted than being handed a verdict by an American judge of Mexican descent.
It is also unfortunate that he will be a tyrant dictator as President crushing the will of The People he is meant to serve.
Charles Samek 

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