Readers Write: Martins raises cloud with election tactics

The Island Now

am happy to read that the request to delay the vote for Congress was rejected. 

One may justifiably determine that Sen. Martins made a great effort to muscle out the competition in the race for Congress. 

As I see it, Sen. Martins by his actions is creating an ever darkening cloud that is hanging over him. 

He has taken a wrong turn somewhere and is heading down the wrong road. 

In other news: every Friday evening on the PBS Newshour is an analysis of the weeks news most often with the same two gentlemen and the PBS’s lady representative. 

Over time I have come to think of them as Snicker, Guffaw and the Smiling Lady. 

Usually when it is over, I don’t know more than I did before. 

Once a few weeks ago, the name Bernie Sanders came up. It was big snickers, big guffaws and a big smile on the lady. 

Their condescending attitude was that he is like a serf, peon, nerd or whatever. 

There are already Snicker candy bars. 

Maybe there could also be Guffaw candy bars and Smiling Lady potato chips. 

Also, in the last two week’s Williston Times, Gov. Cuomo talked about his grandiose vision to re-do the entire tri-state travel and transit situation.

He should finish what he has on his plate first: The New Tappan Zee Bridge, the LIRR to Grand Central (which would reduce the number of trains to Penn Station which already operates at capacity) and the 2nd Avenue subway. 

The 42nd Street Shuttle should extend from 2nd to 8th avenues. 

I don’t know what the plans are but the 2nd Avenue line should angle southeast below 14th Street to better serve the wide Lower East Side. 

It should also connect east-west  at 23rd, 34th, 59th and 63rd streets. 

And don’t forget to straighten out the LIRR signal problems. 

The big problem I see is all of the billions of dollars that have been appropriated over the years just disappearing somewhere and nothing getting done. 


Charles Samek


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