Readers Write: Trump must remember vets

The Island Now

In regard to the “entertainment stars” promising to move out of the United States to foreign countries, and in one case, to a distant planet, because Donald Trump won the election, I say bon voyage.

Oh, and remind Cher to pack up at least 5,000 extra makeup kits!

These people are really not important, what is important is that President-Elect Trump follows through on his promise to help our veterans.  

Nothing is sadder, or hurts more, than to see the commercials on television depicting the plight of our veterans and asking for money to help them. 

Our warriors, both men and women, regardless of how they personally felt about the justness and morality of the government’s policies, answered the call.

And their reward? 

Should their reward be to have to come back to us with tremendous physical and psychological problems and be pushed to the back of the line in regard to their needs for help and services?

These warriors were at the front of the line when it counted, and should not be subjected to the indignities of being the victims of a poorly run Veterans Administration. 

I sincerely hope that President Trump finds the money and the right people to make the necessary reforms.  

It would please me greatly to never see another television commercial begging for funds to help our Vets.  

Our veterans should never have to beg for help.  

It is the duty and responsibility of our government to seriously address this problem, and to do the right thing.

Finally, the way in which a society respects their elderly, and honors their warriors is, in my opinion, the benchmark of integrity and morality by which we ultimately will be judged. 


Jack Benigno

New Hyde Park

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