Readers Write: Trump already a successful president

The Island Now

This letter is directed primarily at the Trump haters and the lovers of Obama and the Clintons.

A comparison of words vs. actions.

Every red-blooded straight male I have known in high school, college, army and in industry bragged about their prowess with the opposite sex.

Ninety-nine percent wishful thinking!

Trump used locker room trash talk about groping females many moons ago. The left have gone bananas about his words.

However,lets go back to Arkansas, where Bubba [Lover Boy] Clinton had actual sex encounters with a number of women [many against their wishes] through the years with the liberals giving him a pass.

Fast forward a number of years and Bill has a sexual encounter in the Oval Office with a young female intern while smoking a cigar.

A young girl a little older than Bill’s daughter. These were Bubba’s actions.

Trump’s words vs. Clinton’s actions. You make the call which was worse.

Let look at Obamas threat to Assad in Syria.

He told the killer tyrant that he had better not use chemicals against his people.

In fact, Obama said he drew a red line in the sand and Assad had better not cross it.

Assad did and many people died a terrible death including babies. And what did this “Wimp-In Chief” not a “Commander-in-Chief” do? Nothing.

He probably either went to a golf course or went to bed lying down in the fetal position sucking his thumb.

Now enter Trump. Assad again used deadly chemical weapons on his defenseless people.

Trump was moved by seeing more babies killed. What did Trump do?  He didn’t go to the military brass or Congress for their recommendations.

He ordered Tomahawk missiles on Syria soil.

Obama’s words vs.Trump’s actions. You make the call who was the wimp and who was the leader.

And do you not remember what Clinton did militarily?  He bombed an aspirin factory and the only casualty was the death of a night watchman.

And yousnowflake college “’men ,who must find refugein safe places because you can’t handle other peoples” opinions, research how Clinton wormed his way out of serving in the military.

If snowflakes like you existed during WWI I, we in America would now be speaking German. (I wonder how your parents or grandparents think of you after they served in the military defending our nation?)

Had to throw this in: Remember how Hillary said that she tried to join the military? Believe her?

Let’s go back to Arkansas . You millennials, research Whitewater.

People went to jail and you have to decide IF Bill and Hillary got away with having anything to do with this real-estate scam.

And I love this!

Remember Hillary was a practicing lawyer and with little or no financial experience, she claimed she alone made over $100,000 in profit in investing in futures trading. Believe her?

So what does this 80-year old white dude think of Trump’s presidency to date?

If he doesn’t get Obamacare repealed and replaced, he doesn’t get the wall built, taxes are not reduced, regulations are not destroyed, federal debt goes to $ 30 trillion, jobs are not created, he has succeeded in my mind already for the three following reasons:

1. He kept crooked and lying Hillary [and Bubba] out of the White House

2. He has a solid 5-to-4 solid conservative Supreme Court. [And in four years, it will be 6 to 3. And in eight years it will be 7 to 2]

3. He is building up the military budget since Obama decreased the budget by 20 percent [on purpose?]

And, of course, he will succeed in building the wall and in other areas mentioned above.

He will be one of the most successful presidents in history, believe me.

The late show TV comedy shows —CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The L.A. Times, the entire Democrat team, those in the D.C. swamp including Republicans will not stump the Trumpster!

A final thought.

Knowing members of the African-American community in college, the Army, in industry and the parents of class members in elementary school, they will be instrumental in stabilizing the U.S. Believe me.

John Messina

East Williston

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