Readers Write: Columnist out of her league in discussing Israel

The Island Now

Re: Karen Rubin’s “Pulse of the Peninsula” column; “Israel should set borders of 2 states” published in the Williston Times, Friday, Sept. 29..

I couldn’t wait to read the latest vitriol the Democratic Party’s self-appointed pitbull, erudite columnist Karen Rubin, had to say about Israel, and more specifically, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, mainly because of his amicable relationship with President Trump as opposed to his relationship with ex-president Obama.

First the criticism. She recounts her visit to the U.N, where Netanyahu was addressing the General Assembly and accuses him of breezing through the Israel-Palestine conflict; “Instead, he devoted a considerable portion of his remarks attacking Iran” (the nuclear agreement and terror activities).

Not that the Iran situation is less important, but it may indeed be more important!

And then, the demeaning; “Leaders on all sides- Netanyahu, Abbas, Trump – represent not the Three Musketeers but the Three Stooges”.

In paragraph 5 of her article she states; “forget the fact that Israel has already given back the entire Negev to Egypt in a “land for peace” deal, and has already uprooted its settlers to give back the Gaza Strip”

This know-nothing, pretentious, supposed journalist, needs a geography lesson and a remedial course in journalism.

Had she the knowledge she purports to have, she should have known that the land given back was the Sinai Peninsula, won from Egypt in the “6 day war” June 1967, not the Negev!

The Negev is still very much a part of Israel; it covers more than half of Israel stretching from Beersheba to Eilat in the south.

In the future Ms. Rubin should resign herself to covering only social events like cotillion balls and marriages; but with one caveat, the participants must subscribe to the Democratic Party.

M Sloan,

Great Neck

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