Thank you Mr. Zielenziger for your recent letter to this newspaper. Better to be attacked by you than praised.
David Zielenziger in his letter cited my financial contributions to Republicans.
He cleverly omitted my far greater financial contributions to local Democrats including our recently retired congressman and current state comptroller.
He further writes that the “highlight” of my presidency of Great Neck library was approval of “lavish executive tables and chairs” for library trustees.
No, David, they are not “lavish” tables.
They are plain ordinary tables permitting trustees to look at one another during discussions.
Furthermore, the tables were strongly recommended by a renowned, independent library consultant.
The fact is: I consider the “highlight” of my two terms as library president was bringing the vote for renovating our library to the public, albeit, it was resoundingly defeated.
Prior to my terms as building chairman and Library President there were 15 years of acrimonious discussions but never approval of a necessary renovation.
Within one year of my serving as Library Building chairman we hired an architect and a librarian.
During my second term as Library president the process to bring a referendum for a vote to the public was completed.
Yes, the community voted against the $20 million referendum I supported but this defeat permitted the $10 million referendum to pass quickly after 15 years of argumentative discussions.
I am proud of these accomplishments as president of Great Neck Library.
I also appreciated receiving an email from the recent, and very capable, library president, who spearheaded the renovation. In her personal email she thanked me for this achievement. I in turn thanked her for her kind words.
And lastly there is another community legacy for which I am responsible and proud.
Walk to the Passive Park on Wooley Lane.
There you will see beautiful evergreen trees, birch trees, spruce trees and other varieties of bushes as well as Rose of Sharon.
I personally donated a large sum of money to landscape this park in memory of my daughter who died of breast cancer at 37 years of age July 2014.
My satisfaction in this donation is the pleasure seeing residents sitting in a chair in this “park” reading, talking and just relaxing, surrounded by beautiful trees.
Martin H. Sokol