Readers Write: Past presidents help not required

The Island Now

Anticipation is a wonderful thing! Sometimes. Reading Ben Oliva’s “Open letter to ex-presidents,” I had great anticipation. As I read on and on, I was perplexed by the words which seemed to go nowhere, and finally reached the last paragraph where he eventually made somewhat of a statement.

Frankly, I’m just a little disappointed with the letter’s final thrust. From what I can surmise, Oliva is disappointed, no, frightened by President Trump, and wishes to call upon four of our previous presidents to give him advice and correct his ‘misdeeds’ and eliminate how Trump is ‘a clear and present danger’.

Let’s see how this works. First, he wants to call upon Jimmy Carter, a great humanitarian, but a gutless leader who allowed the hostages to languish in an Iranian prison for nearly a year until Ronald Reagan put his foot down prompting their immediate release and return.

His second choice is George W. Bush, also a gentleman, but let’s not forget that he sent our troops to Iraq. I believe he had to do it, but we can argue that point ad infinitum.

Thirdly he picks Bill Clinton, the commander-in-chief who demonstrated the highest qualities of womanizing, and who wouldn’t pull the trigger when we had Bin Laden in our sights, afraid to take out this terrorist.

Finally, he chooses Barack Obama. Here is a man who weakened out the military to a dangerous level, wanted to open our borders to un-vetted immigration from war zones around the world, created hate and division between our citizenry and police- perhaps the worst state of relations since the 1960s. I could go on, but this should be more than sufficient.

Moving back into the present, I offer my compliments and support to our current leader. Donald Trump is a brash streetfighter from Queens. His words are often deriding or unkind. He shoots from the hip, and this troubles many people. I often wish he would temper his comments a little. Yet he has brought our military to the strongest position since WW-II, brought our economy to a place well beyond what we’ve seen before, and given us the greatest employment situation in history, and this extends to all minorities.

As we presently see the threat of Covid-19 causing havoc with the economy and world markets, given the end of this challenge, I am confident that progress will return.

Speaking for myself and many of my friends, I’ll be happy to have our former presidents remain on the sidelines and allow our POTUS, Donald Trump, to continue what he has accomplished during only three years in office, notwithstanding the constant attacks and undermining tactics of the left.

Eric Spinner
New Hyde Park

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