Readers Write: Great Neck welcomes students back to school

The Island Now

On behalf of my colleagues on the Great Neck Board of Education, it gives me pleasure to welcome all students, faculty, administrators, central office, and staff back to school this autumn. One imagines following a historic year of learning, there is much eagerness and excitement in the air this September!

Since our annual reorganization meeting in early July, the Board of Education has been working toward continual improvement and best practices.

We participated in a well-received board retreat, which included leadership development facilitated by the New York State School Boards Association. Members of the board have also toured school buildings featuring capital and bond construction projects; welcomed new staff to Great Neck and attended meetings of the policy and district safety and security committees.

We are excited for students and staff to enjoy state-of-the-art, safe facilities and professional development for decades to come.

Our next public action meeting will be held on Sept. 22 at the John F. Kennedy School. I am glad to announce that the board has decided to continue to permit remote viewing and attendance at board meetings via livestream.

The link to the meetings will be posted to the district website at We still welcome and encourage your attendance at the meetings in person, particularly if you wish to address the board during open time, as the livestream will not provide a chat function.

On a personal note, I wish to thank our superintendent, Dr. Prendergast, and all her staff for their planning and efforts to bring GNPS to this point. I hope that students, families, and all staff of schools on our peninsula will enjoy a healthy, safe and meaningful year of learning and wonder.

Rebecca Sassouni


Great Neck School Board

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