PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a public hearing will be held as to the following matter:
Agency: Board of Appeals
Village of Thomaston
Date: April 2, 2020
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Place: Village Hall, 100 East Shore Road, Thomaston, New York
Subject: Application of GPK Restaurant Enterprises Corp, 607 Northern Boulevard, Thomaston, New York, to construct interior renovations, which requires variances of the following Village Code sections: (a) Village Code ß203-125, in that there will be 34 parking spaces, where 56 parking spaces are required; (b) Village Code ß203-65(A), in that four (4) parallel parking spaces are proposed in the front yard, where only pedestrian seating, pavement for entry walkways and for pedestrian use and access driveways to the street shall be permitted in a front yard; (c) Village Code ß203-66(A), in that there is no landscaping or solid masonry wall in the last 15 feet of the rear yard, where the last 15 feet of the rear yard are required to be devoted exclusively to landscape screening and a solid masonry wall; (d) Village Code ß203-127, in that no loading spaces are provided, where a minimum of one (1) space is required; (e) Village Code ß203-62(F), in that a portion of the interior of the restaurant premises will be used for counter and bar services, where no such use is permitted. A restaurant use is permitted with permission of the Board of Trustees, but counter services and bar uses are specifically excluded as accessory uses to a restaurant use. In addition, the applicant seeks to maintain a wall sign and ground signs, which requires variances of the following Village Code sections: (a) Village Code ß203-85.7(B), in that: (i) three (3) ground signs face Northern Boulevard, where only one (1) such ground sign is permitted; (ii) a ground sign (sign number 2) is 57.2 square feet and 10.5 feet in height, where a maximum of 30 square feet and 9 feet in height is permitted; (iii) a ground sign (sign number 3) is 34.9 square feet and 17 feet in height, where a maximum of 30 square feet and 9 feet in height is permitted; and (iv) a ground sign (sign number 4) is setback 10 inches from a street line and 0 feet from a residential district boundary, where setbacks of 3 feet and 100 feet, respectively, are required; and Village Code ß203-85.7(A), in that a wall sign has a vertical length of 35 inches and a horizontal length of 192 inches, where a maximum of 24 inches and 141 inches, respectively, are permitted. Premises are designated as Section 2, Block 143, Lot 477 on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map.
At the said time and place, all interested persons may be heard with respect to the foregoing matter.
This application is a Type II Matter under the State Environmental Quality Review Act, which requires no environmental review.
Any person having a disability which would inhibit attendance at or participation in the hearing should notify the Village Clerk at least three business days prior to the hearing, so that reasonable efforts may be made to facilitate such attendance and participation.
All relevant documents may be inspected at the office of the Village Clerk, 100 East Shore Road, Thomaston, New York, during regular business hours.
Dated: March 12, 2020
GNN #152952
1X 3/20/2020 #152952