Lavender In Weed + Effects Of Smoking Weed


People use lavender in various things, from aromatherapy and healing to its presence in perfumes, soaps, and shampoos; you’ll find it everywhere. You might have heard of lavender and its use as herbal medicine, but do you know you can use it for smoking? 

Smoking lavender is gaining popularity because of its fragrant smell and numerous health benefits. The herb’s strong flavors, soothing effects, and pleasant aroma compelled weed lovers to try it, and this way, they discovered a new smokable herb. If you wish to learn more about lavender in weeds and the effects of smoking weed, this article will explore everything. 

What Is Lavender?

Lavender or Lavandula angustifolia is a part of the mint family. The plant has a strong and pleasant aroma and beautiful purple flowers. The leaves grow in a bush-like style with small purple flowers on top of them. Unlike CBD flowers ,such plants are usually  grown in almost all countries but are easily found in the Mediterranean mountains and northern Africa. Lavender has become a household name, and people use its color to define a particular shade. 

The herb is also used as a seasonal herb tea and is present in many perfumes, deodorants, and body care products. In addition, lavender essential oil is the main oil used in aromatherapy as it can treat insomnia, headaches, stress, muscle aches, stomach aches, and gastrointestinal issues. Lavender is available in different forms, which include essential oils, extracts, herbal medicines, and tea. 

What Is A Lavender Flower?

Lavender flowers or purple blossoms are perennial plants, which means they regrow yearly. The mint family has more than 40 flowering plants, and lavender is one of them. These flowers play an important role in the beauty and aroma of the plant. They contain oil that is responsible for the pleasant aroma that comes from the plant. Besides, the lavender flower has medicinal properties, just like the plant. 

Can You Smoke Lavender?

Smoking lavender is similar to smoking tobacco. If you already use CBD  pre-rolls or joints for smoking cannabis or tobacco, you won’t find any difficulty smoking lavender. To smoke lavender, you must make sure that you use dried lavender flowers and that there is no essential oil before you smoke it. 

Lavender consists of calming compounds called terpenes. These compounds include myrcene, linalool, and caryophyllene, which have a calming effect on the nerves. Lavender doesn’t have THC, and thus there are no psychoactive effects from smoking lavender. If you add other herbs containing THC, then you might get high. So, yes, you can smoke lavender just like other smokable herbs. 

One of the main benefits of smoking lavender is that it is nicotine free and, thus, isn’t addictive. This feature can be beneficial for chain cannabis smokers who have difficulty quitting cigarettes. Combining calming effects and non-nicotine characteristics makes lavender a perfect choice for cannabis smokers. 

Research About Smoking Lavender

Many studies and research on the benefits of lavender, especially lavender essential oil, for health improvement. These studies show that lavender is beneficial for health as it contains ingredients that support various body functions. However, there is no research regarding the benefits of smoking lavender. Thus, scientists still need to do more research to prove the benefits of smoking lavender.

Research related to lavender benefits states that it is very effective in treating anxiety issues. Another study on a group of people revealed that lavender aromatherapy could reduce the need for morphine in patients who have anesthesia. 

Lavender is also found to be effective in fighting bacteria. A 2017 study states that lavender essential oil can destroy lethal species of bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus. 

This study can be really helpful for preventing certain diseases, including bacterial infections. In addition, a 2020 randomized clinical trial revealed that lavender essential oils positively affect sleep quality. The study showed that lavender essential oil could improve sleep quality by inducing deeper sleep in people who applied the essential oil before sleeping. 

To sum up, there is enough research on the benefits of lavender as a medicinal herb. It has numerous health benefits, which is why many people use it in aromatherapy and for calming and soothing effects in anxiety patients. We believe that smoking lavender can also have these effects to an extent. But that depends on how much your body absorbs lavender through smoking. 

How To Smoke Lavender? 

To smoke lavender, you can grind the dried lavender leaves or make small chunks and then roll them into joints. You can use lavender alone for smoking or mix it with other herbs and then roll it into cigarettes or joints. Some people add tobacco and cannabis, too, for a more pleasurable experience. 

Like lavender, you can smoke any herb in dried form by grinding it or making small pieces and then rolling them into cigarettes. Remember that smoking or vaping essential oils is not safe, and you should only smoke all the herbs in dried forms. 

Smoking Cannabis And Lavender

If you are a cannabis lover, you might think of mixing lavender with cannabis. The only thing that cannabis lovers do not like about lavender is that it does not cause a high as it does not contain THC. Thus, when you add cannabis to lavender, it enhances the overall smoking experience. 

Mixing cannabis and lavender for smoking won’t cause an intense high, but it will have a potent and energy-boosting effect on the smoker. The higher the amounts of terpene linalool in lavender, the better it will become when combined with cannabis. 

Smoking lavender with cannabis can help improve the pain-relieving and muscle-relaxing effects. Additionally, mixing cannabis with lavender is a perfect modification for enhancing the flavor. To smoke cannabis and lavender together, grind cannabis and lavender and roll them into cigarettes. 

You can also use a bowl to smoke this combination. To smoke cannabis and lavender in a bowl or bong, pack the bowl with cannabis and then top it up with lavender. In this pattern, you can light lavender first to enjoy the fragrance, and THC and CBD will follow. Following are a few cannabis and lavender blends to try:

  • Relaxing Blend

You can make a relaxing blend by combining cannabis and lavender. Mix lavender with blue lotus, rose petals, damiana, and chamomile to get relaxing effects. This mixture will work best to produce potent yet calming effects when you smoke it. 

  • Good Dreams Blend

To improve your sleep pattern, you can mix Lavender with cbd strains that help in inducing deep sleep. For instance, you can mix lavender with red raspberry leaf, damiana, mugwort, and rose petals. 

  • Pleasant Uplifting Blend

To get pleasant, uplifting effects from the cannabis-lavender combination, try mixing lavender with these herbs and cannabis strains: marshmallow, spearmint, red raspberry leaf, hibiscus, yarrow flowers, and skullcap. 

What Are Herbal Cigarettes?

A herbal cigarette contains a mixture of different herbs and does not contain nicotine or tobacco. These are paper rolls that contain any kind of natural herbs, such as lavender, lemongrass, green tea, spearmint leaves, passion flower, and rose petals. All the ingredients in these cigarettes are natural, and no additives or harmful chemicals exist. Furthermore, the herbs in this cigarette are grown naturally without using pesticides. 

However, herbal cigarettes can still be harmful as burning the herbs still produce carbon monoxide, tar, and other harmful products. These compounds reach your lungs through the smoke you breathe in while smoking cigarettes. 

What Are The Best Herbs For Smoking?

There are more than 1,500 plants that you can use for smoking. For some people, smoking these herbs is turning out to be really beneficial as it helps them quit smoking tobacco. Tobacco or nicotine is more harmful than herbs, and it is addictive too. Smokable herbs are divided into three main categories, and a perfect blend contains all of them. These herbs include base herbs, herbs for flavoring, and herbs for a supportive role. 

You must note that smoking herb is a little different from smoking tobacco as the smoke produced from tobacco is dense and smooth than from herbs. The smoke produced by herbs has a different texture and density. Many people consider smoking herbal blends safer than smoking nicotine or tobacco as it is non-addictive. Herbal blends are thus a better alternative in this regard. 

Herbal cigarettes look like normal cigarettes, but instead of tobacco, they contain herbs. Some of the most common herbs for smoking are rose petals, lemongrass, passion flower, corn silk, jasmine, chamomile, lotus leaf, ginseng, skullcap, mullein, mugwort, sage, licorice root, and red clover flowers. 

People smoke these herbs mainly because of quitting tobacco and other health benefits. For instance, smokable herbs provide relaxation, improve mood, and provide a mental boost and sometimes they are also used for spiritual rituals. However, you must remember that not all herbs are safe for smoking, and you must first learn to smoke a particular herb before using it. 

How To Make A Smokable Herb?

You can make your blend according to your taste and overall preference. Your choice of herbs will depend on how potent or flavorsome you want your smoking experience. A herbal blend mostly consists of three or more herbs that perform different roles in the blend. To make your herb smokable, you must first understand the role of three herbs in the blend. You can also read about what herbs can you smoke?Following is the composition of these herbs according to their roles:

  • Base herbs (50 to 60%)
  • Supportive herbs (30 to 40%)
  • Flavoring herbs (15 to 30%)

You must try different combinations to see what works best for you. To get started, harvest fresh and young leaves and dry them indoors. Hang them in bundles and let them dry naturally without providing heat. When you see the herbs have dried, crush them by hand or grind them into a consistent mixture. Then combine these herbs according to the ratio given above. 

A few herbs act perfectly as base herbs in the blend. For example, mullein acts as a perfect base herb as it is light, and you can use it as a 50% composition of the herbal blend. Other herbs that act as a good base are cannabis and red raspberry. 

Lavender is a good flavoring herb; you can use it to modify the herbal blend for a better smoking experience. Other herbs used to improve flavoring include mint and sage. Besides that, mugwort and skullcap produce dense smoke and can act as perfect supportive herbs. Those who miss smoking tobacco might add a bit of uva-ursi. Coltsfoot is a good herb you can use if you have damaged your lungs due to smoking tobacco. 

What Are Some Other Smoking Herbs?

The smoking properties of herbs vary by species. Most of the smokable herbs are perennial plants that are 1 to 6 feet high and have a bushy appearance. These herbs also differ according to their taste, benefits, and aroma. Herbal smoke can help your body get the benefits of herbs through its natural ingredients. Following are some popular herbs used for smoking:

  • Blue Lotus Flower

Blue Lotus is also called the Egyptian lotus and was used in ancient civilizations for spiritual rituals. The herb has a mild sedating effect that can help you relax and calm down. However, the psychoactive effects are too mild and if you want to experience a more intense high, try sprinkling more of it into the blend. It is famous for calming euphoria, relaxation, and aphrodisiac properties. 

  • Chamomile

Chamomile has a sweet flavor and a gentle effect, but you can add more of it for a strong flavor. It is a perennial plant native to Europe with flowers resembling daisies. Chamomile is most commonly used as a herbal tea, but you can also use it as a smokable herb. The herb has anti-inflammatory effects and can relax and calm our nerves. When you smoke this herb, you’ll experience a sweet fruity flavor. 

  • Lavender

Lavender has a nice fragrance that makes it an ideal flavoring herb in the blend. The herb gives a sweet floral touch to the smoke and flavor. It has a deeper and smokier fragrance that resembles fresh lavender. When you smoke lavender, you may notice that it fills the atmosphere with refreshing smells. Overall, it has a relaxing effect on the smoker.

  • Rose Petals

Rose petals are magical herbs with a very pleasing aroma. Beauty enthusiasts use rose petals essential oil for moisturizing the skin. Many people also use rosewater as a nutritious and flavorsome ingredient in various dishes. Dried rose petals can serve as ideal smokable herbs as they can produce a mild euphoric sensation alongside the gently sweet flavor. 

  • Skullcap

Skullcap is an ancient herb used in tinctures and medicinal teas. It is a perennial plant that delivers mellow and natural smoke. The herb has numerous health benefits, which include reducing anxiety and preventing sleep disorders. As a result, many people use it as a natural sleep aid. When smoked, it produces relaxing effects. Its smoke has a cinnamon-like flavor and a dense texture. 

  • Raspberry Leaf

Red raspberry leaf is also a medicinal tea used to improve womb health. The herb acts as a perfect base herb in smoking blends and is a perfect substitute for tobacco. The best thing about this herb is that it has the power to neutralize the nicotine poisoning effects in the body. 

  • Bergamot

Bergamot has many benefits in the smoking herbal blend and as an essential oil. It has antiseptic properties that help the lungs heal from the irritation caused by smoking tobacco or nicotine. If you want to quit smoking and get rid of nicotine or tobacco addiction, using bergamot in the herbal smoking blends will help. Bergamot also contains immune-boosting and healing properties and produces an uplifting effect. 

  • Catnip

Catnip belongs to the mint family and has mild sedating effects. The herb delivers a sense of relaxation and peace and is a good choice for smoking in stressful situations. It can serve as a good supportive herb in the herbal blend. Besides that, catnip can produce sedation and euphoria in cats, but it doesn’t have the same strong effects on humans. 

  • St. John’s Wort

St. John’s wort has been used in traditional medicine for centuries. The plant has bright yellow flowers and is popular for its antidepressant properties. People use it for stabilizing moods and treating anxiety and depression. 

  • Marshmallow Root

Marshmallow root is a sweet and tangy smokable herb. It is a common herb used as an ingredient in herbal teas. Moreover, the herb has medicinal properties making it a good component in the herbal blend for smoking. You can use its medicinal properties for soothing throat, lung, and digestive infections. 

  • Coltsfoot

Coltsfoot has medicinal properties and is used in traditional medicine to clear phlegm. The herb produces light smoke and has a neutral flavor. However, remember not to add too much of it to the blend, as high concentrations can be harsh on the throat. 

  • Lemon Balm

Lemon balm was earlier grown in the Mediterranean region and West Asia, but now it is grown worldwide. People from ancient civilizations used the herb to treat stress and anxiety and as a mood enhancer. 

  • Damiana

Damiana is a base herb that carries other supportive and flavoring herbs very well. Some people also use it as a supportive herb in the blend. The herb has soothing effects and is used to improve mood and support the nervous system. 

  • Mugwort

Mugwort is also known as a “dream herb” as it induces quality sleep and supports lucid dreams. The herb is used in Chinese medicine and produces relaxing and calming effects when smoked. 

  • Passion Flower

Passionflower improves the digestive system and reduces pain and anxiety. The herb is also known to improve sleep quality and prevent sleeping disorders. Adding passion flowers to the herbal blend will help improve cognitive function. It is good to smoke this herb at night because of its benefits for sleep improvement. 

  • Mullein

Mullein is biennial and grows more than 6 feet tall with flowers at the top. The herb acts as a perfect base for carrying other herbs in the smokable herb blends. It is known for treating cough and cold and has a neutral flavor. So, you can use it for medicinal purposes rather than recreational uses. 

  • Spearmint

Spearmint belongs to the mint family and has relaxing effects on the nerves. Moreover, it refreshes and rejuvenates the mind and the body and improves mood. Spearmint and peppermint are both known to have strong purifying effects. For this reason, many people use these herbs to clear throat problems and improve blood circulation. 

Smokable Herbs And Ancient Rituals

The smoking culture was common centuries ago, but it has evolved a lot over the years. Some ancient civilizations considered smoking herbs an important part of their spiritual rituals. According to ancient people, plant-derived smoke has physical as well as mental benefits, as it can heal the mind and body. They believed that they could modify the healing effects of these herbs when used along with a prayer or ceremony. 

People used to smoke herbs through various ceremonial tools to produce smoke that could surround and protect them. Besides that, they also sang sacred songs in their language and carried out various spiritual practices to enhance the health benefits and healing effects. 

Darius, King of Persia from the 5th century, describes the effects of smoking herbs, and he also used herbs in traditional healing practices. Moreover, Avicena, a renowned Muslim healer from the 10th century, also describes the benefits of smoking medicinal herbs in his book “The Canon of Medicine.” 

Besides ancient people, people in today’s age also believe that herbs can save our souls. These herbs help reduce negative energy and produce relaxing and calming effects. Some people go even further by stating that herbs can help you make a wish come true or send your thoughts to your loved ones. 

Conclusion: Can You Smoke A Blend Of Lavender & Weed? 

In conclusion, we’d like to say that smoking is not healthy, even with herbs. However, it is a safer option than smoking tobacco or nicotine salts as it is not addictive. The safest and healthiest option is thus not to smoke at all. 

However, if you still can’t resist smoking, try the herbal blends, as they are better. If you like the smell of lavender, try mixing it with other herbs to have a relaxing and rejuvenating smoking experience. 


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