Hannah Kroner School of Dance hosts dance marathon for childhood cancer research

The Island Now
Dancers at the Hannah Kroner School of Dance will raise money to support childhood cancer research this Sunday.

This Sunday, March 8 from 1 to 3 p.m. but Hannah Kroner School of Dance will host a dance marathon for childhood cancer research.

This is the second year the School is hosting this event.

Student Dani Covey and her Mom Jackie Covey began this event 3 years ago and have raised thousands of dollars for this worthy cause. Anyone who loves to Dance can join us. Must Register online.

The $20 registration fee also goes to support research for cures for childhood cancers, and there will be a DJ, giveaways, snacks, etc. Here is the direct link to REGISTER TO DANCE: https://www.wizathon.com/idance4acure-dani/?p=register&action=choose_Ticket

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