Readers Write: FDR was not friend of Jews during World War II

The Island Now

I am writing in response to your “We beg to differ” article.  I am not commenting about Pamela Geller.  I know nothing about her.  I am commenting about your remarks about FDR.

It is certainly true that FDR wanted to enter WWII long before many Americans did.  He did work tirelessly to get the U.S. involved.  That action obviously helped Americans and all free men everywhere.  

However, he was not a friend to the Jews.  I will give two important examples. Men died smuggling pictures of the camps to FDR.  

Eleanor begged him to at least bomb the camps and the tracks leading to them. FDR felt he could not spare the bombs, etc. that were needed for the war effort.  

Next, The ship “The Saint Louis” was sent from Germany with about 938 Jews.  

Hitler, at first, was interested in simply getting rid of the Jews.  Well, FDR would not allow the Jews to embark nor would any other country.  The ship returned to Germany and most of the Jews died.  

Hitler learned that the world did not care about the Jews.  A friend of mine told me that her dad had a cousin that was on that ship.  He died.  

Wonder if he would think FDR was such an asset to the Jewish people?  You quote a book?  How about “While Six Million Died”?  Try reading that.

There are those who feel that there would be no Israel if FDR had lived.  They feel that it was fortunate that Truman took command.  I am not sure about this.  

I do know that FDR was, at best, indifferent to the plight of the Jews.  

And frankly, it seems to me that it is a shame (for the Jews) that he was ever in office.


Bonnie Waldes

Great Neck


Editors note: The above editorial is a reprint of a letter first published in the May 31 edition of Blank Slate Media. Due to technical problems, the letter appeared with several typographical mistakes.

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