The Strathmore Vanderbilt Women’s Club in Manhasset is looking to help rebuild a school in Cambodia and will hold its annual Philanthropic Fundraiser on Saturday, Nov. 16.
Surprising what little money it takes to change the world.
In Cambodia, it would take just $15,000 to rebuild a school that had been destroyed in the 1970s. Pol Pot, leader of the Khmer Rouge regime, ascended to power and murdered 25 percent of Cambodia’s population from 1970-1974 and destroyed schools and polluted waters.
The Khmer Rouge regime was one of the most brutal regimes in history and to this day the destruction of Cambodia is still visible.
Cambodia is one of the world’s poorest countries in Asia with most of its workforce employed in subsidized farming. In rural areas, many of the inhabitants are illiterate and education is essential to escape poverty. Many children are forced to work to support their families in or to survive.
The Strathmore Vanderbilt Women’s Club is on a mission to rectify this issue and raise funds through its philanthropic event to benefit Kambodsjahjelpen, a non-profit organization, whose mission is to provide clean water and build schools and health clinics in rural Cambodia.
By raising $15,000, the Toul Chress Lower School of Pørk Village, Preah Vihear province north in Cambodia will be rebuilt.
It has 246 students in first through sixth grade (121 girls and 125 boys). The school has five teachers working two shifts. There are 28 toddlers in daycare. The current school building is in serious need of repair.
Currently, classes are held beneath a private residential stilted hut. The proceeds from this family fundraiser will be used to repair the structure to ensure the safety of children and teachers alike.
The SVWC is asking for your support. For additional information contact Tone Burrows at 917-291-8049.
Elizabeth Johnson