Williston Park Library news

The Island Now

Carl DelVecchio Memorial Library

www.willistonparklibrary.org By: Donna McKenna
E-mail: wppubliclibrary@gmail.com
New titles added to the collection:
No Holding Back—Lori Foster
Serpentine—Jonathan Kellerman
Shadow Box—Luanne Rice
Wrong Family—Tarryn Fisher
Four Winds—Kristin Hannah
Narrowboat Summer—Anne Youngson
Consent—Annabel Lyon
Tangled Up in Blue: Policing the American City—Rosa Brooks

The Williston Park Library is again partnering with LI Cares/16th Assembly District’s Legislative annual pet drive. The drive, which will run during the month of April, will help local soup kitchens and food pantries meet the needs of struggling families with pets. The most needed items are bags of dry dog and cat food, canned dog and cat food, cat box litter, treats, and toys. All food must be unopened and in its original packaging.

A donation box will be available inside the Library. Thank you for your support.

Our Daily Hours Are:

Open for Browsing: Monday-Friday: 10am-5:30pm
Vestibule Pick-Up: Monday-Friday: 10am-5:30pm
Browsing & Vestibule Pickup: Saturday: 10am-4pm

“Open for Browsing” means you can come inside, walk around the Library, and look for books and other items. Please limit your time to 1 hour. Only one family at a time will be permitted in the Children’s Room.

Items requested over the phone can be picked up in the Library vestibule.

Please maintain social distancing practices while in the Library.

All customers and staff are required to wear face coverings at all times while in the Library, per Executive Order 202.17. Face coverings must cover both your mouth and nose.

Congregating is not permitted.

Three computers are available for public use for a limit of 30 minutes.

Please return items in the outside book drops. For safety reasons, we cannot accept items returned inside the Library!

Thank you for cooperating with the guidelines we have in place to keep us all safe.

Adult Programs
Ceramic Craft-to-Go—Painted Easter Bucket–$25 material fee. Register with Chris at willistonpr@yahoo.com. The YouTube link will be sent to you. Crafts will be available for pickup the week of March 15.

Reiki—March 18; April 1 & 15—7pm in the Assembly Room of Village Hall. $10 p/person, p/session.

Knitting Circle—March 18; April 8 & 22—11am-1pm in the Assembly Room of Village Hall.
Long Island Reads Virtual Event—April 11, 2pm—The 2021 book selection is The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett. Free tickets on Eventbrite beginning March 1. Register via longislandreads.wordpress.com.
Book Discussion—April 21—7pm via Zoom. Copies of Landslide will be available at the Circulation Desk. Login information TBA.
Children’s Programs

Please check our website willistonarklibrary.org for updates on all upcoming events.

Come into the Library for a free children’s craft every Monday for Take and Make Mondays

Monday 3/15 To-Go Ceramic Easter Basket Kit- Come into the Library the week on March 15th to pick up a to-go ceramic Easter Basket kit. Registration is required. You will receive a Youtube link to a video where Rosemarie Attard will teach you how to paint the Basket. The cost for a kit is $25.00. To register send an email to Chris at willistonpr@yahoo.com

Monday 3/15 Mystery Children’s Ceramic Craft Kit- Come in the week of March 15th to pick up a Mystery Children’s Ceramic Craft Kit. Painting a mystery ceramic can be fun for the whole family! The cost for a kit is $10.00. Register to pick up a kit with Chris at willistonpr@yahoo.com

Tuesday 3/16 Virtual Children’s St. Patrick’s Day Bingo- Children 12 and under are invited to join us for virtual St. Patrick’s Day bingo! On Tuesday, March 16 from 4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Registration is required. To register, please click the link on the event calendar on our website.
Tuesday 3/30 Children’s Virtual Trivia- Put your knowledge to the test as we play trivia with Kahoot! For ages 5-12 on Tuesday 3/30 from 4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Registration is required. To register, please click the link on the event calendar on our website.

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