Readers Write: Trump shines light on politics-as-usual’s failings

The Island Now

read the letter from Esther Confino from New Hyde Park and felt the need for a rebuttal. 

I’m especially interested that she states as fact the Pentagon has lost track of $8.5 trillion. I’d like to know her source of information. 

She also lays at the steps of the GOP the mismanagement of funds so there is not enough money to see to the needs of those who really need food stamps,medical care, etc.

Here’s some food for thought Esther. 

Going back decades there was something called the “General Fund.” Under the “watchful eye” of Democrats and Republicans, each party for almost fifty years helped themselves to the funds with the promise of replacing what was taken out to fund other programs.

Well,the day of reckoning is upon us and guess what?  

Neither Democrats nor Republicans bothered to replace what was stolen. That’s right, stolen. 

Money that thousands upon thousands of hard working Americans contributed during their working years with the expectation of receiving Social Security payments and Medicare coverage in the “golden years.”

I’m not against paying for people truly in need of services.  

However, every time I turn around there’s another government hand reaching into my pocket, telling me to take care of those less fortunate.

When does it stop? 

When do people look within themselves and once again exhibit pride. 

So let’s stop playing the blame game. Let’s query everyone running from both sides of the aisle on what they intend to do to resolve problems our country is facing. 

If you can’t say anything nice about Donald Trump, you must acknowledge he’s causing a good part of the population to express their dissatisfaction with “politics as usual.”

Jerome Lucarelli

Great Neck

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