Town ignores obligation for Kings Point lighthouse

The Island Now

I was dismayed to learn that the Town of North Hempstead has no interest in maintaining the Stepping Stones Lighthouse and cares nothing if this historic building should collapses from non maintenance. This historic landmark, just 1,600 yards off of Kings Point, was turned over to the Town of North Hempstead in 2008 from National Park Service, and apparently all they have done since then is to board it up and discontinue tours.

There is a similar situation that comes to mind, and that is the story of the Little Red Lighthouse that stood close by the construction of the massive George Washington Bridge in the 1930s. The politicians, not unlike the Town of North Hempstead, wanted to pull down the Little Red Lighthouse because it served no use and was too costly to maintain. The people responded to a simple poem that was written by a school girl to save the Little Red Lighthouse and the nickels and dimes poured in.

Next time you drive over the George Washington Bridge heading east on the lower level, take a look as you approach the southeast shoreline and you’ll see the Little Red Lighthouse still standing there just as proud as can be.

Using the Little Red Lighthouse as our inspiration, perhaps we too can save the Stepping Stones Lighthouse by forming a committee to raise funds to save the lighthouse from George Washington Bridge neglect. If you feel this is possible please contact me and if there is enough interest we can form an exploratory ad hoc committee to get the ball rolling.

Jim Bumstead

Williston Park


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