Readers Write: Things backed by Dems to be sick and tired of

The Island Now

Ms. Rubin’s explanation of the prefatory clause of the 2nd amendment (“to protect the government, not overthrow it”) is interesting. 

This direct quote is from Heller vs. D.C., Supreme Court of the United States, majority opinion, Scalia, et al. 2008. 

Hopefully, it provides some clarity “the prefatory clause comports with the Court’s interpretation of the operative clause. The militia comprised all males physically capable of acting in concert for the common defense. The Antifederalists feared that the Federal Government would disarm the people in order to disable the citizens’ militia, enabling a politicized standing army or a select militia to rule. The response was to deny Congress the power to abridge the ancient right of individuals to keep and bear arms so that the ideal of a citizens’ militia would be preserved.”

It was my understanding that the standing army, not the militia, protects the government. 

Further, “a politicized standing army” would certainly imply a standing army defending a tyranny. I will inject that in 1791, the country was not yet afflicted with “progressivism” so the meaning of “well regulated” was that the good men of the militia should gather, and practice their tactics and marksmanship regularly. 

Ms. Rubin is “sick and tired” of hearing this because the lawlessness and despotism of the standing administration advances the tyranny that she likes. What about if and when it ever goes the other way?

Let me enumerate a few things that I am sick and tired of. 

I am sick and tired of paying for the Democrats’ feckless permanent underclass that multiplies in geometric progressions and cannot pay for their children. 

They cannot pay for any aspect of their lives, so the rest of us are stuck with the bill. I am sick and tired of being told that I can only have those freedoms that they can handle, and they cannot handle any freedom. 

I am sick and tired of being told that I have to pay for other peoples’ health care. 

I am sick and tired of hearing the intelligence of the American People insulted with such preposterous assertions that poor people cannot afford ID to present at the polling place (because they, of course, want to cheat), and women need for  their “birth control” to be paid for because they cannot afford it. 

I did not know that there was a constitutional right to free sex. (When am I going to get some of that? – just a joke). 

I am sick and tired of a corrupt media promoting a common career criminal who robs a store, punches a cop and tries to grab his gun as some kind of fallen hero. 

When the cops finally get sick and tired enough of this crap to walk off the job in mass for as long as it takes (which they should!), I would pay money to see what would become of Ms. Rubin, who does not believe in owning a gun. 

Now that might make for a great reality show. Real entertainment. LOL. 

I am sick and tired of a corrupt administration that opens the borders and has the worst population of all Mexico and Latin America pouring across our border, not only with impunity, but with the aid of the Administration to increase the number of Democrat voters. 

They will all be voting illegally after Obama’s executive order, and he damn well knows it. 

They will be given free ID, and there will be no way to catch them. A part of his temper tantrum after loosing the midterms badly. 

I am sick and tired of an administration that gives an enemies list to the IRS to persecute their enemies, and a corrupt media that acts in concert with their silence. 

The one true journalist, Sharyl  Attkisson, who had the integrity to address this was fired, and later on, had her computer hacked as a veiled threat. 

Can you imagine the response of the media if a President Rick Perry would have perpetrated this? 

Remember Nixon? 

Small potatoes compared to this outrage. I could go on probably even longer than her piece, but you get the point.

Emery Rose


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