The Culinary Architect: Roast chicken perfect for a weekend

The Island Now

Recently, I have been researching how to make the perfect roasted chicken with crispy skin.  
After hours of experimenting, I came up with the following recipe, one of the reasons I call it, “Weekend Roasted Chicken” is because to obtain very dry chicken skin, the chicken  needs to be salted and placed uncovered in the refrigerator for 24 hours.  
This will draw the moisture out of the chicken skin and yield the crispest skin you have ever taste, while keeping the meat juicy and tasty.  
And, to kick the chicken up a notch, I smear truffle butter on the skin halfway through roasting.
Round out the meal with mashed cauliflower and Quick and Easy Creamed Spinach, Gravy and you have a delicious entree for a family weekend dinner or even a dinner party.
Serves 4-6
Crispy Roasted Chicken
Mashed Cauliflower
Quick and Easy Creamed 
*Recipe Not Given
Crispy Roasted Chicken
1 chicken, 5-7 lbs.
Pink Himalayan Sea Salt
1 bunch parsley
1 lemon, cut into quarters
Truffle Butter (I like 
D’Artagnan Truffle Butter)
1.  Pat the chicken dry with paper towels.  You want the salt to stick to the chicken.
2.  Measure out 2 tablespoons Pink Himalayan Sea Salt (I purchase it at Trader’s Joes.)  Generously salt chicken.
3.  Place chicken on a rimmed baking sheet (lined with aluminum foil as this makes for an easy clean up) and chill in the refigerator uncovered for 24 hours.  Leaving the chicken uncovered further dehydrates the skin as the salt draws out moisture.
4. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Stuff chicken with parsley and lemon and tie legs together. Roast chicken for 40 minutes.   Take chicken out of the oven and smear with truffle butter. Roast 30 minutes more or until meat thermometer registers 160 degrees.  Cover with tin foil and let rest 15 minutes before  carving.
Mashed Cauliflower
1 head of cauliflower, 
cut into florets
1 cup homemade or 
store bought chicken stock 
or vegetable stock
1.  Place stock and cauliflower in a pot and cook on medium for about a half hour or until cauliflower is mushy.
2.  Mash with a potato masher until desired consistency.  I like mine to look exactly like mashed potatoes.
3.  Serve hot.
Quick and Easy
Creamed Spinach

1 package of Seabrook 
Spinach, defrosted
1 bag of baby spinach
1.  In a covered terrine, place the raw baby spinach.  Cover with Seabrook Spinach.  Cover the terrine with aluminum foil, then lid.
2.  When you smear the chicken with truffle butter, put the terrine in the oven.
3.  It will be ready to serve when the chicken is done.  (Stir before serving.)
Alexandra Troy is owner of Culinary Architect Catering, a 32-year old Greenvale-based company, specializing in private, corporate and promotional parties.  
For more photos and presentation follow Culinary Architect Catering on Facebook. Please email me photos of your dishes at
The Culinary Architect: Roast chicken perfect for a weekend

By Alexandra Troy
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