Readers Write: Thanks for defending my free speech

The Island Now

I thank Ms. Cynthia V. of New Hyde Park for her eloquent defense of my right to freedom of speech on the letters to the editor page of the Great Neck News and sister publications with her letter, “Other opinions no reason to cancel paper” (Readers Write: Sept. 6).  

My viewpoints are neither conservative nor liberal, but a libertarian.

Libertarians believe that what consenting adults consume, inhale, perform, read or view in the privacy of their own home or private social club isn’t the concern of government. Individual economic and civil liberties prosper best when government stays out of both the bedroom and marketplace. 

Conservatives tend to support economic liberty, but will use the force of government to infringe on your civil liberties. Liberals tend to support civil liberties, but will use the force of government to infringe on your economic liberties. I have consistently written on current issues of the day in defense of both economic and civil liberties.

I believe that President Obama and Congress should freeze overall spending by adopting 2008 spending levels in upcoming 2014 funding bills for all federal agencies. 

There was no public outcry from Democrats in 2008 that the sky was falling. They didn’t say that Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and a multi-trillion dollar government safety net were going to end. 

The 2008 budget was prior to the one-time stimulus (American Reinvestment Recovery Act), TARP, auto industry bailouts, cash for clunkers, Obamacare expenditures and six trillion dollars in additional national debt. 

Now everything needs to be on the table including the infamous “third rails” of American politics — Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and military spending. If several million federal civil servants can survive on a pay freeze for three years, why not do the same across the board for everyone else including the executive, legislative and judicial branches of federal government and all other programs? 

Our safety net for those in need survived 2008 intact. Any extension of the debt ceiling should be matched by corresponding real cuts in spending today, not tomorrow.

I support implementation of “pay-as-you-go” budgeting, means testing for all government assistance, and sunset provisions for agencies and programs that have completed their missions. 

End pork-barrel member item spending, stop paying farmers to not grow crops and abolish corporate welfare subsides via tax deductions.

Close down obsolete military bases abroad. Reduce United Nations and foreign aid to those who offer no support when needed. End the wasteful war in Afghanistan. Don’t start another war in Syria.

Have the IRS accelerate the collection of several hundred billion in uncollected back taxes owed by deadbeat individuals and corporations along with suspending billions in future tax refunds to those who continue failing to pay long overdue taxes or student loans. 

Stop wasting tens of billions of dollars each year on the war on drugs.

Everyone needs to do their fair share in bringing the budget deficit under control. Both Democrats and Republicans need to put everything on the table – no exceptions. It is time for government to destroy its own credit cards. It is ironic that decades ago after winning the Cold War against the evil empire of Communism, it may be mismanagement of our economy that results in a decline of our standard of living. 

It may also end our reign as the world’s super power as we become the world’s super debtor nation.

Libertarians offer a choice, not an echo to President Obama along with both Democrats and most Republicans in Congress. On a bipartisan basis they have continued year after year adding trillions in additional debt and uncontrolled spending. Both sponsor legislation infringing on our civil and economic liberties.

How refreshing in the marketplace of ideas that the Great Neck News continues to afford its readers divergent viewpoints on issues of the day. 

Larry Penner

Great Neck

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