Temple Judea to hold singles event

The Island Now

An exciting new singles event will take place at Temple Judea on Monday, Oct. 28 at 7:00 p.m. Donation is $14.

The program will include a marvelous dance team, Irina and Yakiv, from the BallroomPalace.com in Roslyn. In addition to a super dance exhibition, the dance instructors will teach easy-to-learn dance steps to enable everyone to get out there on the dance floor and feel more comfortable.

This will be lots of fun, even for dancers with two left feet. It’s an opportunity to meet many friends and dance with them.

The get-together begins at 7:00 p.m. to enjoy crudités, warm appetizers, wine, sodas,
bottled water, coffee, cakes, cookies and fruits, as well as time before and after
the program to socialize and make new friends. The 40-minute dance program begins at
7:45 p.m.

Temple Judea Singles events have often had more than 110 singles attending. Both of the beautiful new social rooms will be used, affording plenty of space to walk around, eat, socialize – and dance!

As a bonus, all participants can win $25 or free lottery scratch offs, with lots of winners!

Singles and their friends are invited for this exciting event at beautiful Temple Judea of Manhasset, 333 Searingtown Road, Manhasset, NY 11030, just north of exit 36 of the LIE.

Please reserve by calling the temple office 516-621-8049 or e-mail templeoffice@temple-judea.com. Visit the Temple website at www.temple-judea.com.

Submitted by Temple Judea of Manhasset.

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