Temple Judea celebrates Purim

The Island Now
Photo courtesy of Temple Judea

Purim at Temple Judea was a place of noisy revelry, which is the traditional way of celebrating this holiday. The story of Purim signifies the victory of the Jews over an evil man, Haman. A Purim shpiel, or satirical musical, was written by Rabbi Todd Chizner and Barry Wolf z”l and acted by members of Temple Judea and Temple Tikvah. Chizner, student Cantor Mariel Guarrera-Ashkenazy, Rabbi Randy Sheinberg and Cantor Guy Bonne all assisted. 

It was a great occasion for celebrating and making lots of noise, culminating with everyone being served hamantaschen, a triangular shaped cookie with sweet filling. Each family present took home shalach manot, a bag of treats, reminding us of the kindnesses we are shown to all our neighbors.  

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