President Obama has d’Wabbit in d’hat. It seems clear that the taxes on the wealthy will go up New Years Day even if a veto should be required. The default spending cuts should also go into effect. Good!
If everyone’s taxes should go up, we are adults and are able to bear responsibility. The U.S. debt is like our community credit card.
We know how that works. There are those making a fortune from interest. It is to our advantage to pay it down as best we can.
There are those saying “privatize social security.” It is privatized. I have my private account. You have yours. The solution to securing entitlements is to raise the minimum wage to at least $12 per hour.
Wages and salaries have to become equitable for today’s reality. The increased nominal 14 percent withheld from our earnings would do much in this regard.
A minimum wage earner today at $7.15 works eight hours for $57.20. After entitlement deductions $49.19 is left and there are other deductions also. It is peanuts and hardly worth the effort.
It is said “people have to be governed until they can govern themselves.”
Motor Vehicle and Traffic Law is an example of good government. Every aspect is covered and for good reason. Our government must be as big as necessary to do what is needed.
If one goes to a supermarket and looks around one sees food products from many countries. Before blaming China for everything, China imports also. As long as 6- years ago the U.S. was producing more wheat than needed. The same is true of many other products and it is being done by fewer and fewer people.
Demand is the regulator of economy and nothing else. There is not enough needed to be done to ever again employ everyone at 40 hours per week.
Charles Samek