From the desk of Superintendent Elaine: Storm forced revised school calendar

The Island Now

It is quite amazing to think that December is upon us and that we are already in the second marking period.  How fast the school year seems to be flying by.

February Break

As all of you are probably aware by now, the Board of Education, at its Nov. 19 meeting, revised the 2012-13 school calendar to make up days lost as a result of Hurricane Sandy and the snowstorm.   School will now be in session on Feb. 20, 21 and 22. It was reported in today’s Newsday that several airlines are now waiving their change fees for customers who booked tickets for travel during February’s mid-winter break; and it is likely that other travel organizations may follow suit as well.  If your travel companies require proof that school is now in session on those days, information showing this change is currently on our website and on our district calendar (adopted calendar summary 11-19-12) that is posted on our website.

How should we spend your money?

This Wednesday, Dec. 5 at 7:30 p.m. there will be roundtable discussions regarding setting priorities for the 2013-14 budget and the five years ahead.  These are very challenging budget times and choices need to be made.  Please come to our Strategic Planning Community Forum and share your ideas.  Discussions will take place in small groups where everyone can feel comfortable sharing ideas without necessarily having to speak out in front of a crowd.  As a jump-starter to the discussions, community input from recent year forums will be shared to see if past priorities remain important goals for you.

Update on Math

At the Nov. 15 BOE Work Session, Joyce Bernstein, Math Curriculum associate, presented information regarding the seventh-grade math program. She shared information about the new textbook that all seventh-grade students are using this year.  The new textbook provides the same sequence and pacing for all seventh graders so that all seventh grade students will have the opportunity to be fully prepared for ninth grade algebra at the start of their eighth grade year.

Why accelerate students?  A  U.S. Department of Education study found that taking advanced math in high school was more strongly associated with successful completion of college than any other factor, including high school grade point average and socioeconomic status.  If our students take high school algebra in eighth grade, they will have the opportunity to take a “fifth year” math course, calculus, in their senior year, providing them with this advanced math opportunity.

As always, please give me a call 333-3758, or email me at with any questions, suggestions, etc.  

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