This December, North Shore Elementary School musicians took to the stage to perform in their respective 2019 winter concerts. Dressed in black and eager to show the audience how their love of music and many hours of practice lead to great rewards, the student musicians in the orchestra, band, and chorus wowed us with their brilliant performances!
At each concert, the bold sounds of the band brilliantly had everyone tapping their feet, while the softer sounds of the strings and the harmonious voices of the various choral groups filled the theatres. Each ensemble clearly represented how much hard work and dedication it took for all of the musicians to get to this important day. You can see the joy on the faces of the family and friends listening in the audience who were so proud of their loved ones performing.
Bravo to all of the North Shore Elementary students and their music teachers for making these Winter Concerts so memorable. Happy Holidays to all!
Submitted by the North Shore School District