James Holmes was among the elite in neuroscience before Denver’s Aurora movie theater massacre on July 20.
Almost at the very same time of the masscre, James Holmes had also designed something within his own apartment, where required the police approached and entered by using the robot.
With regard to the robot, I do think robotic research has implications as far as the spiritual realm is concerned. The world-famous expert of robotic research, Masahiro Mori’s comment is a case in point:
“Right now, I am working hard on the relationship between technology and the teachings of Buddha. To develop robots, you need to understand humans. I think the teachings of Buddha is the best way to understand humans, especially with regard to understanding the human mind. Technology is not all good, and in certain cases, the negative aspects of technology will appear strongly. We need to save technology from becoming negative. That is what’s on my mind right now.”
From an Old Testament perspective, what differentiates humans from animals or robots is not their physical characteristics, or even that they are alive, or animated. All created beings are made from the same building blocks and are similarly animated. What differentiates humans is that they are created in the image of God – meaning that they can relate, are morally responsible and are God’s representatives to manage his creation. (See Genesis 1-2) Other creatures, including anything technology can create, do not have these “image” qualities, no matter how cloned they might be.
I also think of what would happen (and if it can happen, it most likely will happen) if this kind of technology got into evil hands.
Bingh Tang