Readers Write: Ritz-Carlton condos reflect dangerous L.I. overbuilding

The Island Now

I have been offended by the Ritz-Carlton project since it broke ground.

While I am sure that it provides a wonderful way for those who can afford it to downsize or move to a better school district, it also represents the very worst of what’s been done to Long Island.

As mentioned in your nauseatingly congratulatory article, it has used up the last of the undeveloped land in the area. That is not a good thing.

We are not talking about the extinction of a species.

We are talking about the decimation of the trees, the added pollution and the additional traffic to an already overloaded population.

To justify this eyesore by saying that it serves a need for the wealthiest among us to have a place to live with amenities is insulting to the population, wealthy or not, that values a little forest to soften the edges of what has become an overpopulated, over trafficked area.

I am sad and disappointed by the overbuilding that has turned what was once a lovely place to live into another example of glaring excess.

Terry Levitt  

Great Neck

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