Readers Write: Rich rig the system, fail to pay fair share

The Island Now

Inasmuch as I have never heard it said or seen it written, I consider that I may have discovered an important principle, “No representation without taxation.” 

It does however, mirror another principle, “no taxation without representation.” As is stated, we have government by and for the people. No riders or attachments added on. 

As this and the following is well known, it is our creator (having nothing to do with church or religion) that endows us with all that is stated in our constitution. That we all are created equal is to say that no one is privileged and has rights above and beyond those that we all do have. We are not a class-caste society.

We in the majority happily pay our taxes and other monies by contract from which we benefit and receive our benefits. The welfare of the people is the duty of our government as well as protecting us from enemies foreign and domestic.

There are those amongst us who still act like the animals of today – the prehuman stage we have passed through. 

At our present stage we should be developing our minds (our new acquisition) which entails much more than we imagine it does. There are those I am describing as “self connived underdeveloped minds.” 

This is to say that they conduct themselves with animal forces and have connived themselves into believing they are right and have not developed the mental faculties of morality and benevolence. 

“Self connived underdeveloped minds,” could be categorized medically as SCUM Syndrome. These are domestic enemies bound on destroying all that is benevolent in our government that do not want to pay taxes. It has become epidemic and even some in the Supreme Court are infected. 

This is clear to anyone with a modest amount of reason. The court should be the closest wisdom we have next to our creator.

The majority in this country create the wealth by their daily effort. This wealth is being funneled into the hands of a few who believe they don’t have to pay taxes appropriate to their means of acquiring the wealth. 

They are buying out certain sections of our elected government representatives who prostitute themselves. Were all appropriate taxes paid, we would have no national debt. 

Others profit tremendously bonding the debt. They are in on it too. And yes, what our government has to do to insure the welfare of the people is legitimate no matter how big the government is. 

Ours is a land of plenty. We have enough. We the people have to be patient a while longer. 

The minority is now the majority as was evident in the last national election. Hence the effort that was made to suppress certain groups of voters. 

It is clear what they were up to. Everyone needs to have whatever identification is required to vote and be represented. Representation with taxes paid.

Charles Samek


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