Readers Write: The worst is yet to come

The Island Now

In last week’s Blank Slate newspapers, there were two letters which I found disturbing.

The first spoke of reverence for the flag and singing of the national anthem.

While on the face of it, there is nothing wrong with this, It brought to mind something Howard Zinn wrote: “What struck me as I began to study history was how nationalist fervor — inculcated from childhood by pledges of allegiance, national anthems, [and] flags waving, permeated the educational systems of all countries, including our own.”

Such chauvinism is what led many football fans to criticize Colin Kaepernick who, according to some, disrespected the symbols of our great nation. I am also reminded of lines attributed to Sinclair Lewis which state that “when fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross.”

The second letter attacked columnist Karen Rubin describing her as a woman “full of hatred” and urged the publisher to add more “positive columns” to his papers.

But how can we be more positive when Trump lives in a “fact free zone” and is the worst president in our country’s history?

At the start of Black History Month, Trump referenced Frederick Douglass who Trump says “has done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more.”

What in God’s name is he talking about? Douglass died one hundred and twelve years ago so how is he recognized more and more today?

One could argue that historians do re-evaluate prominent figures, but this is certainly not what Trump had in mind. And Memo to POTUS: you don’t write in the present tense about someone who died in 1895.

Am I being unfair? Does Trump need to know American history?

Presidents aren’t always scholars although Wilson was president of

Princeton University and Obama a law school professor. What is scary

is that Trump has no intellectual curiosity.

I think Secretary of State Rex Tillerson got it right when he called his boss a “moron.” Worse, Trump does not wish to be well informed.

For example, he rejects the morning presidential briefings. Lest I overstate the case for Trump’s stupidity, I just uncovered evidence establishing Trump as a student of world affairs.

Magazine editor, Tina Brown, reports that years ago Trump kept a book in a cabinet by his bed which he turned to it for inspiration. The name of the book was My New Order and it consisted of the speeches of Adolph Hitler.

Maybe this explains the love affair between Putin and Trump.

Does our 45th president have an affinity for dictators? Does he aspire to be one? Commenting on Trump’s acumen is Tony Schwartz who ghostwrote “The Art of the Deal.”

He has stated: “I seriously doubt that Trump has ever read a book straight through in his adult life.”

What is the takeaway from all this? I believe a day of reckoning is nigh.

I suspect that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation will prove collusion and/or obstruction of justice.

Trump will try to fire Mueller, but only the Acting Attorney General Rod Rosenstein can do this.

If he refuses, and there is every indication that he will, the firing of both men is possible and this would be similar to the Saturday night massacre which helped bring down Richard Nixon.

Here we get into the weeds with several legal complications. Suffice it to say we might be facing a “constitutional crisis” which may lead to massive street protests.

The worst is yet to come.

Dr. Hal Sobel

Great Neck


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