Readers Write: Why is Great Neck a hotspot for Covid-19?

The Island Now

Each day I review the chart in Newsday indicating the number of Covid-19 cases in all the villages in Nassau and Suffolk County and, to my dismay, the Village of Great Neck consistently shows the highest growth rate on all of Long Island.

Why do we hold this distinction? This is terribly frightening and frustrating for the residents of this Village, most of whom try to abide by all the recommended actions to keep down the transmission of the disease.  Obviously there are many who are not and, despite their protestations about lack of authority or resources, the mayor (himself a physician) and the trustees must vigorously respond before the whole Village is infected.

Investigations should be undertaken to determine the causes and locations of the recent outbreaks and strong steps taken to shame or prosecute those responsible.

Steven Markowitz

Great Neck

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