Readers Write: Who are GOPers backing?

The Island Now

As a voting constituent in the Williston Park area, I’d like to know what Presidential candidate our local political candidates are supporting and whether or not they will continue to support these candidates based on recent news.
Based on recent revelations concerning the Republican candidate, Mr. Trump,  I think it’s our right to know who these men and women are supporting.  
Based on an article you published on Aug. 11, 2016, Sen. Martins voiced his support for Mr. Trump, the GOP candidate.  
As a voter who has supported Sen. Martins in his past elections, I was floored that he would choose party over his country in this election.  
At the time when Martins had publicized his support towards Trump, the man had already insulted Hispanics, Muslims, POWs, among others.  
I am a first-generation American whose parents immigrated from Colombia and Argentina.  
My children and I  identify as Hispanic Americans.  So imagine my own personal disappointment when Sen. Martins announced his support for Trump.  
Oct. 7, 2016 the entire country heard the vulgar boasts of a man admitting his sexual assaults knowing full well he was wearing a live microphone.  
I felt now more than ever, I needed to know who my local politicians would be supporting in one of the most important elections our country has ever faced. 
I posted the question on Sen. Martins’ Facebook page referencing your Aug. 11 article which I’m attaching below.
Imagine my surprise when I went back to Sen. Martins page and found that my original post had been deleted.  
So I posted again this morning and I’m attaching a screen shot of my question to Sen. Martins as was originally posted.  
As our local news source, and with so many crucial elections taking place this November, I ask that you please cover who our local candidates will be voting this election day.  
Who is Elaine Phillips supporting in this election?  
Will Jack Martins still vote for Trump based on recent revelations when over 150 prominent Republicans have now withdrawn their support?  
For your reference, I am attaching a recent New York Times article with a timeline of Trump’s remarks and when major Republican politicians withdrew their support.
If Sen. Martins does not rescind his support for Trump after his most recent gaffe, I have no choice but to vote for Sen. Martins’ opponent.  
I cannot support a candidate who himself supports a man as racist and sexist and divisive as Donald Trump.  And I am sure I am not alone in my sentiment. 
Genara DiGirolomo
Williston Park

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