Readers Write: Vote of confidence for current Flower Hill Board of Trustees

The Island Now

I came to Flower Hill’s March 9th Board of Trustee meeting to get some insight into some of the issues affecting our village. I was encouraged to see a volunteer board with vast experience and diverse backgrounds who really cared about the resident’s concerns on an array of issues including zoning, traffic, parking, recycling, lighting, and abandoned properties. The board also demonstrated fiscal responsibility several times in the meeting while also ensuring that work was given only to reputable companies.

I also learned that there was an earlier Executive Session to consider retaining Special Counsel to investigate harassment complaints against Trustee Kate Hirsch.

I noticed during the board meeting, Trustee Hirsch started to verbally attack the village code enforcer in a public forum. Her specific issue had nothing to do with the situation at hand. The way she treated a Village employee in public was disrespectful and downright rude.

A mayor not only represents the residents of the village, but they are also a leader of a full village staff. Trustee Hirsch clearly does not have any respect for the Village staff nor the current Board and it appears so based on how she interacts with those around her.  I also noticed none of the three residents running for Trustee with her on the Liberty party attended the Board meeting. It appears Trustee Hirsch selected a Liberty Party with no experience or desire to learn about running village operations.

I will be voting on March 18 for the current Board members of the Flower Hill party including Brian Herrington, Bob McNamara, Randall Rosenbaum, and Gary Lewandowski.  These volunteer residents clearly spend countless hours working well with the village staff supporting resident’s quality of life issues while fairly balancing the fiscal budget.  We are so lucky to have these dedicated residents to represent our village for many years. Please come out and support them with a vote for the Flower Hill Party.

Eileen Rosenbaum
Flower Hill

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