Readers Write: Vote for the Revive Great Neck Plaza Team on March 18

The Island Now
I continue to hear concerns from neighbors and fellow Great Neck Plaza residents about the current status of things in the village, such as the large number of vacant storefronts, the lack of sufficient parking to attract shoppers, the relatively high-rate of vehicular and pedestrian accidents compared to other New York communities, etc.
People ask if it would reasonable and wise to vote for Ted Rosen and his team on March 18th, when they have been part of the administrative team under our current mayor for many many years. Why, people ask, should they vote to let this team continue in office, as opposed to voting for change?
The Revive Great Neck Plaza team, under the leadership of Leonard Katz, has fresh ideas and the vision and energy to turn things around and get things done to address and remedy our village’s problems.
I believe that the time has come for our Great Neck Plaza residents to accept reality. Ted Rosen and his team represent the past. Leonard Katz and his team represent the future, which, if we will give them a chance, will lead to better days for Great Neck Plaza.
Please come out and vote for the Revive Great Neck Plaza team on March 18th. Write-in Leonard Katz for mayor and Robert Farajollah and Siu Long Au for trustees.
Mitchell Wolfson
Village of Great Neck Plaza

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