Readers Write: Vote for Ted Rosen

The Island Now

I write this letter to urge the voters of Great Neck Plaza to vote for Ted Rosen for Mayor. I have known Ted for more than 20 years. For several years, I served as a member of the Board of Trustees of Great Neck Plaza and as such, I worked closely with Ted.

Ted is a very hardworking person who is always motivated to do what he believes is best for the people of Great Neck Plaza. He treats all those who come before the Village Board with respect and courtesy. He is a person of the highest integrity. I have also seen him be tough on individuals coming before the village board who are less than candid and forthright in what they present to the board.

I know that Ted served for many years as the Chief of the Great Neck Central Auxiliary Police and as a Deputy Inspector of the Nassau County Auxiliary Police. Because of this experience, Ted has been closely involved in policing and security matters that affect the Village.

Ted has always been very supportive of local businesses and very much aware of the difficulties that confront such businesses. He has eagerly sought to implement new ideas and suggestions to benefit our local businesses. I remember a number of years ago, a mutual acquaintance suggested to Ted an idea for an E-newsletter to promote Village businesses. Ted worked on and supported, this concept which eventually led to the Village publishing an E-newsletter which is primarily intended to promote Village businesses and which continues to published by the Village today and seeks primarily to promote local businesses at no cost to them.

I know that Ted’s extensive experience, willingness to try and to implement new ideas and his high integrity are qualities that will make him an excellent Mayor to lead our Village. I urge my fellow residents of Great Neck Plaza to vote for Ted Rosen for Mayor.

Marion Green
Great Neck

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