Readers Write: Village unfriendly to residents, biz

The Island Now

I got a personal answer to my last letter.
It is not the LIRR who objects to a garage over the tracks; it is the village which does not want to deprive those few people in the apartment houses their lovely view of the LIRR, the station, and the mortuary.
Twenty families, if they asked for it, versus about 400 drivers in need of parking.
There are all those empty store fronts. Who wants to come to Great Neck if there is no place to park.
They can go to a convenient mall. And that kosher market which wants to expand.
They should sue the village for it’s  persistent negative attitude to the needs of the commercial establishments; those establishments which do not put them into office but who contribute heavily to it’s coffers.
More parking, fewer favors!!
And I do not/will not shop in that district because I cannot park.
Norman Roland
Great Neck

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