I am afraid that one of your letter contributors is afflicted with Trump phobia and he believes that everyone who disagrees with him has been infected by Trumpitis and cannot think for themselves.
To the contrary, those of us on the right side of right had opinions long before Trump came down the escalator. This gentlemen and I use the term loosely, has also claimed to be a seer and has read my mind so I feel the need to set him straight.
I did not vote for Trump in 2016 but wrote in the name of another GOP candidate, despite being a Republican all of my adult life. That decision was based, solely, on his behavior during the primaries, not his policy plans.
Nowhere in any of my writings have I declared that the 2020 election was” stolen” but there were irregularities in many states that need to be prevented from happening in the future so there is no doubt that our elections are secure and honest.
My fellow Republicans are not represented in the state of NY and our votes go nowhere. We are 100 percent under control of the Democratic party that is slowly destroying our state due to failed leadership in Albany and NYC.
Racism exists in America but “systemic racism” is pushed day after day by the left and I am not buying it.
My relating a church experience was one day in the life of an American but I have been out there in the workplace and living for many decades among Americans of every ilk and I know what is possible.
The racist believes that he is superior to another race. I pointed out in my letter that people of color are just as able to have success in America because they are just as capable.
The right is not the political party that keeps playing the race card and trying to convince minorities that they can’t make it. The Democrats were the party of Jim Crow, The KKK, segregation and slavery.
I wonder why cancel culture has missed that part of history and, via transference, have made it a Republican issue?
Gender dysphoria was on my mind long before Trump came on the scene. It was pushed out there in the forefront by Obama. I think that what the letter writer in question knows about it could fit on the head of a pin. Let me enlighten you.
You cannot change your sex, you can only live a delusion. Nothing, I said, nothing, can change that fact. Do you know that the suicide rate before the transition is equal to the one after transition? Having read case studies, there are many who regret it and decide to reverse transition.
Unfortunately, much cannot be reversed. Facial hair and deep voices in women continue and if they have had surgery to have their ovaries and uterus removed, they are no longer able to have children.
A deep regret for many. You can only imagine what problems a trans would have reversing to manhood. A life-changing decision that should not be in the hands of minor children.
The letter writer throws out general statements, again about “Trump’s” wrong statements that I have apparently taken as my own but fails to name one concrete example of any. So list them and let’s see what is true and what isn’t. Trump is all he talks about.
He is insulted at the end of his letter by the fact that I “questioned his intelligence”. Readers, the first blow was struck by the other party, insinuating that I was “dumb and stupid”. I rest my case.
If Trump is found guilty of any real crimes, then I say throw the book at him. So far, there has been nothing that the left has been able to conjure up for the last 4 years. I will finish with this. Joe Biden is a pox on America and I only hope we can save our country from complete wreck and ruin. Mark my words, there is trouble ahead for all of us.
Gayle Palmer
Williston Park