Readers Write: Trump presidency an invitation for disaster

The Island Now

With few dissenters, the United States has been respected as the most powerful nation in the world, but recently no one knows what the future holds for our beloved country if Donald Trump were to win the presidency. 
A kind of insanity has seized us — the rest of the world, even some of the nations who do not like us, surely must fearfully wonder what has come over us.
According to a commentary by Jorge Benitez, director of North American Treaty Organization’s news and information services, Trump is considered the most dangerous man in the world. 
His comments reveal a “superficial and childlike understanding of NATO.”  
He has declared that the United States may not defend NATO allies, and might break up six decades of bipartisan support between transatlantic democracies. He has promised to tell our allies that they are on their own.
We will all be in greater danger in the world, encouraging Putin to continue aggressions. 
Beyond that, Trump has entertained the idea of responding to terrorist attacks with a nuclear weapon!
Prominent writers in 13 countries have characterized a Trump presidency as an invitation to disaster. 
The Economist Intelligence Unit regards such a possibility one of the 10 top risks facing the world, and 61 foreign leaders have expressed similar opinions. 
But who in the world knows more than he, himself?
Of course, Trump has declared that he is never wrong, and it does not matter to him that even in the United States, no recognized newspaper has endorsed him. 
What is wrong with this picture? 
No one with this psychological profile should ever lead.
Esther Confino
New Hyde Park

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