Readers Write: Trump acknowledging Jews’ God-given right to all Israel

The Island Now

In his rant in last week’s letters section against President Trump’s bold decision to declare Jerusalem the capital of Israel, Jon E. Weinstein first disclaims how noble he and “both major parties” were in the 1980s in supporting this very move.

“But it of course never did happen,” Weinstein writes, “we knew it would not… it was a political posture….” And yet he now rails against President Trump for having the courage and cojones that Weinstein and his cynical, politically-motivated cronies never had.

Weinstein now echoes Israel’s archenemies, Obama & Co., in suggesting that President Trump should have exacted “needed concessions from Israel on various settlements” (which is the word leftists use to describe homes built on Israeli land) and “to force the PA (Palestinian Authority) to control Hamas violence…”

Right. Force Israel to concede more land than the entire Sinai Peninsula, the entire West Bank, and other vast territory it has already given up, endangering its fragile security.

And then hope that PA President Mahmoud Abbas — the guy who premised his Ph.D. thesis on denying the existence of the Holocaust — will “control” Hamas, the virulently anti-Semitic offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, which in its 1988 charter — and affirmed every year to this very day — refuses to recognize the State of Israel’s right to exist and is committed to jihad to destroy every last vestige of Israel and every Jew on earth.

In the fairy tale, can’t-we-all-get-along world Mr. Weinstein inhabits, supporting or voting on fancy-sounding proposals is all it takes to make himself feel like a good guy and to fool other people into believing that he is “doing something” when he’s not.

Every Jew on earth — in fact, every decent person on earth — should be applauding the fact that President Trump called out the decades-long charade — and failure — of the Middle East “peace process.”  

The lesson for Mr. Weinstein and his like-minded friends is that in the real world of power politics, the bold prevail and the weak fail.

Indeed, our president is letting the world know — including the anti-Semitic United Nations cesspool in Manhattan — that their historical Jew hatred will not be tolerated and that politics-as-usual will take a back seat to the enduring truths of the Bible, in which the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob mandated that their inheritance of the land of Israel is totally immutable.  

Joan Swirsky
Great Neck

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