Readers Write: Term limits for Great Neck Plaza electeds

The Island Now

Regarding the election for a new mayor of Great Neck Plaza, I think Leonard Katz has the right idea about lightening up on rules for businesses. Getting more businesses to open up in the Plaza would be an excellent idea.

Setting term limits for officials would also be good. This way, if the person in charge is not doing the job needed, at least there will be options for others taking their place sooner than later.

Great Neck Plaza is very convenient for traveling to Manhattan and it’s a really nice place to come to. But it needs less vacancies. I’ve seen a lot of stores come and go since I’ve been an art director in the past for a major public relations company in Great Neck Plaza.

So voting for Leonard Katz and his team will hopefully bring a good change to the Plaza.

Steve Hirsch
Great Neck Plaza

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