Readers Write: Stop development in Great Neck

The Island Now

Great Neck is changing and I do not mean for the better.

We are turning into a city. Our board can’t say “no” to any builder.

Every corner, every inch of space is a future apartment house.

Therefore it’s understandable that with the increase of inhabitants and cars there would be less parking.

But the ruling class, the mayor & her staff, continue to call the companies who solve traffic congestion.

I have a simple solution. Stop giving building permits to builders.

We don’t need any more apartment houses. We also don’t need traffic jams.

Then you don’t have to employ these traffic experts.

I know we get grants to subsidize them or totally pay them but what good is it when apartment houses  are bringing citified congestion and decimating Great Neck’s village charm and suburban feel.

No more! No more!

It’s gone ! So I have to laugh when I read in The News that there’s a plan afoot to change the zoning laws and turning  a medical office building turning into a four-story apartment building with about 24-30 apartments.

Yikes ! That’s at least 50-60 more cars.

When will the mayor and her board realize that that the more population we have the more traffic we will have?

Also, with the additional apartment buildings our stores did not profit from greater purchasing, which I think was one of their beliefs

They have to look to the internet for the lost shoppers who prefer the comfort and ease of shopping on line.

If they move forward with their plans to utilize other buildings for more apartment houses.

They’ll have to call in 10 traffic calming experts.

Muriel H. Weinstein       

Great Neck

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