Readers Write: Stand together against racism

The Island Now

The brutal murder of George Floyd is another shocking reminder about the blatant and continuous racism against the African American community.

The anger and disillusionment being expressed throughout our country attest to the growing frustration with the type of brutality directed at African-Americans and other people of color.

Discrimination persists on multiple levels and in far too many institutions in American society.  Beyond mere words of prayer or consolation, it is time for people of good will and faith to become more pro-active in holding ourselves and our communities accountable for working in greater partnership to eliminate hatred, as it brings dishonor to us and to the United States.

The Torah scriptural reading for this Sabbath refers to punishment for theft.

Although the text specifies how the thief must admit his or her guilt, it suggests a broader inclusion of anyone, who must step forward to admit responsibility for any wrongdoing. When it comes to the persistence of racism, each of us in some form, bears responsibility for not doing enough to combat this national disease.

My faith tradition demands that we regard each person as created in God’s image; and that the murder of one human being constitutes a murderous offense against the entire world.

It is incumbent upon all people within the Jewish community therefore, to speak out relentlessly against racism in all its ugly forms, and to remain vigilant until racism and hate are eradicated from our world. Although I will never condone any violent demonstration, which equally dishonors humanity, I stand with so many, who have publicly demonstrated even in the midst of our pandemic.

My fervent hope is that one day soon, racism will become obsolete. In the meantime, may Americans of various cultures and faiths stand together to fight hatred and discrimination with every fiber of our being.

Rabbi Michael Klayman

Lake Success Jewish Center

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