Readers Write: Saur would be an excellent library trustee

The Island Now

This letter is submitted in enthusiastic support of Adrienne Saur’s candidacy for trustee of the Port Washington Public Library.

I have known Saur as a community member for the last 14 years. In that time, I have observed her commitment to the educational and learning environment of the greater Port Washington area and her ability to think “outside the box” to expand the outreach of the various organizations with which she has been involved.

I believe she will bring this enthusiastic, energetic and thoughtful vision to the library board.

Saur has demonstrated her commitment to this community, first as Daly HSA secretary and then as co-president of Agate of Port Washington.

In these roles, I saw firsthand her ability to synthesize information and inspire others to commit their time and energy to projects designed to improve the learning environment for all.

Amongst her creative endeavors, she inaugurated the STEAM Fair at the library in 2015 and followed with another this past Sunday.

She has planned, organized and executed 13 STEAM/STEM events for the library and at Guggenheim, Manorhaven and Daly Elementary School, mentoring over 20 Schreiber High School students for their senior experiences. She has that rare ability to articulate her point of view while building consensus with her colleagues.

Saur views the library and library technology as essential to a thriving, diverse learning community.

She uses her Princeton undergraduate training and MA from Columbia University Teachers College in Instructional Technology & Media for Adult Learning to enhance the manner in which consumers may use technology to improve services, but she is never unaware of the need to integrate technology carefully and fiscally responsible.

Because she is a person who participates in every aspect of the library offerings, and because she sees the library as a vibrant center of the community, she will be an excellent addition as a trustee.

Barbara S. Cohen

Port Washington

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