Readers Write: Prevent Great Neck from becoming a “dying town”

The Island Now

I have been a resident of Great Neck Plaza for over 20 years. During that time, I have seen a serious deterioration of the business district on Middle Neck Road.

The empty stores appear to be getting emptier. Meaning there are more empty stores year after year. My husband who grew up in Russell Gardens and was part of the first graduating class from the new Great Neck South High School calls Great Neck a “dying town.” He remembers growing up when the town was vibrant, with people coming from all over to shop and play, and not an empty store to be had.

The inadequate parking, dangerous double parking all day along Middle Neck Road, cars speeding through town and a lack of control over these vehicles have caused many traffic accidents and pedestrian injuries. The mayor and her Board of Trustees seem to care less.   They are only interested in having their special parking permits, so they can park anywhere they want without tickets, their high salaries, and paid for health insurance and pensions.

Our Deputy Mayor Ted Rosen, who wants to replace our existing mayor, is part of the problem AND CERTAINLY NOT THE SOLUTION. What has he done during his 25-plus years to keep the town vibrant? The answer is NOTHING. It is DYING.

It is time for a change. Finally, someone has come along with new ideas and the experience to bring together the property owners, the residents, and the business owners to once again bring Great Neck back to its former greatness.

Remember with Ted Rosen as your new mayor the town will continue to waste away. He has proven over the years that he does NOT know how to make Great Neck great again. It is time for a complete change of not only Ted Rosen but the rest of the trustees.

On March 18, only a few days from now, get out and VOTE FOR LEN KATZ FOR MAYOR OF GREAT NECK PLAZA.

Leslie Giffords
Great Neck Plaza

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