Readers Write: Parents express gratitude to Herricks school district for Covid response

The Island Now

During our son’s recent middle school graduation, one of the graduating students gave a moving speech about “Gratitude.” With this in mind and as we move toward a new academic year, we express our “Thank You” to the Herricks Union Free School District for their effort, motivation, dedication, fortitude and perseverance in helping our children navigate an incredibly difficult year.

Our gratitude extends to the Board of Education, Dr. Celano, the entire administrative staff, principals, in sync with parents’ cooperation, through the maintenance personnel, bus drivers, crossing guards and security! Without an extensive effort from the entire school district family, our children would not have been able to reach their goals.

We want to especially extend our gratitude to our incredibly gifted teachers, who delicately and creatively balanced in-person classes, hybrid models and fully remote students while managing evolving technological challenges and parental anxiety about their children’s academic, social and emotional development.

As a community, we are obligated to remember our teachers’ incredibly deft balancing act during the roughest of pandemic seas! THANK YOU!

Kostas and Chrissanthi Katsavdakis
Williston Park

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