Readers Write: One considerate bus driver: my husband

The Island Now

I would like to respond to Judy Epstein’s column “Ask not for whom the bus stops”

I was so sorry to read of Judy Epstein¹s negative experiences throughout her life, while using or trying to use bus transportation.  

She obviously never had the good fortune to meet a very special bus operator, my husband Brian, who drove for Triboro Coach Corporation for 15 years in both Queens and the express bus to Manhattan.

After being laid off from what he thought would be his lifetime career in the airline industry, Brian embarked on a new challenge by becoming a bus operator.

Yes, he is a good, warm and compassionate person and he brought those qualities to his job as a bus operator. Dealing with the public is not always easy, unless you view each person as an individual.

Brian didn’t see his passengers as the pits in the bus drivers cherry bowl of life.

No, he went to work each day with the purpose of serving people and always went the extra mile, (pun intended).

For example, he always made sure that he waited for the Bingo ladies so they would not miss the bus when they traveled home after dark.

He also made a habit of waiting to watch one of his elderly passengers get to her front door before leaving the stop at night. 

 Bus operators go to work each day to serve people and despite some of  Judy’s less than perfect experiences, should be respected for the work they do.

Margaret Dyke

New Hyde Park

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