I write in enthusiastic support of the candidacy of Nanette Melkonian, my dear friend of more than 20 years, for a seat on the Port Washington School Board. I urge your readers to go to Nan’s Facebook page (@Nanette Melkonian for Port Washington BOE) to learn more about her experience and child-oriented educational priorities.
But I want to discuss something that Nan will bring to the school board on a more personal level: constant and honest communication with the public.
I often hear people complain that they feel disconnected from their elected officials. And with the COVID pandemic wreaking havoc on our schools, people feel even more profoundly that no one on the school board is listening to their educational concerns or keeping them apprised of the constant changes and developments in their schools. Nanette Melkonian will change that.
In addition to her decades of experience in various areas of public education, what will make Nan a great school board member is how deeply she cares about our kids. From this caring comes Nan’s desire to re-establish a healthy and positive dialog between the School Board and the people of Port Washington.
With Nanette Melkonian on the school board, there will always be someone willing to listen to each and every one of us, someone who will work non-stop to make sure that we never again feel “kept in the dark” about what’s going on in our children’s schools.
I strongly urge the voters of the Port Washington School District to go to Weber Middle School on Tuesday, May 18, and vote for Nanette Melkonian for school board.
Nikos D. Andreadis
Port Washington