Readers Write: Mullins has earned another term as PW police commish

The Island Now

 I am writing this letter to ask my friends and fellow residents to re-elect Angela Lawlor Mullins as police commissioner. 

In the nine years I worked with Angela she was always the most prepared, and most professional commissioner on the board. She did endless research on all the subjects, products and issues that came up before the board, and still retains files of everything we did. Her attention to detail probably stems from her 14 years as a detective with the NYPD in the Intelligence Division, with the Manhattan DA’s office and the Robbery Squad. Angela worked hard and was always worrying about how much a program or piece of equipment was and its value to the community. 

She brought no personal agenda to the job. Her interests were giving the residents of Port the best possible service at the best possible price.

Angela also added the personal touch to the job. She was always concerned with the thoughts and needs of the residents she represents, and  as a result she was one of the first commissioners active on social media. Accessibility was important to Angela, knowing that we were public servants and that public input was essential for the PWPD to be most effective in the community.

She has also been involved with several community groups, as well as the many charitable events she volunteered for. She knows the residents and is the public face of the board.

 Angela knows the people. She knows the job. She knows the value of a dollar, which is most important in these troubled times. She has been commissioner for 12 years for a reason. She gets the job done!

We need her experience, integrity, accountability and dedication to serve the people of Port Washington. On Dec 14 please vote Row “B” and re-elect Angela Lawlor Mullins.

Dave Franklin

Port Washington

TAGGED: dave franklin
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