Readers Write: Mooch no one to be proud of

The Island Now

I just read the letter in the July 28 issue from one Angela Min of Manhassett.

I don’t want to disparage Ms. Min or her letter but I was left thoroughly confused by the bulk of it as to what was her point.

It appears she is praising Anthony Scaramucci because he is from Manhassett.

I would like to think he is not indicative of the people of Manhassett.

If her praising him is the case then I suggest just the opposite.

Manhassett  should be ashamed of Anthony Scaramucci because of his recent vulgar diatribe to a reporter at New Yorker magazine.

In fact to go further he should be considered an embarrassment to our present administration and the country as a whole.

Let us not forget he is now a government employee paid by us the taxpayer and if I had the authority he is one employee I would have fired immediately.

Of course we have to consider who hired him in the first place and that in itself is self exclamatory.

John F. Nahas

Great Neck

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