Readers Write: Minority rules when it comes to Dejana decision in Port

The Island Now

We are all part of a democracy, rule by all and for all, except, it seems, for one small half mile called Manorhaven.

A village that on Feb. 19 for it’s residents did the unthinkable where three, just three people, Patrick Gibson, Joe Zimbardi and John Volpe, chosen by just one person, Mayor Avena, ruled against the majority of citizens’ expressed wishes to not change the character and vision of their unique village and seaside community. 

Instead, just one person, the multi-millionaire businessman and developer, Peter Dejana, won over all those thousands of citizens who fought against this happening and who hoped, in the end, Democracy would matter. 

These changes may be the beginning of what may prove to be a very sad ending for all of Port. 

Lucretia Steele

Former deputy mayor of the Village of Manorhaven

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